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Wednesday 20 March 2013

Can You cut your finger??

Trick Revealed


This is the world's simplest magic trick which nearly every one knows .In this trick you only need your hand or actually your fingers, in this trick The magician will first show his full hand to the audience and then he/she would take his/her thumb finger and then amazingly cut it into two halves and would separate it from the other halve.


 This trick does not need any external objects you just need your hand and some practise 
Here the magician would fold his thumb finger & join his/her other half thumb finger of the other hand and then he/she would separate the movable thumb finger slightly to show the audience that you have actually cut your finger into two halves And then you will pretend to join the finger and quickly remove your other thumb and unfold your folded thumb.
See the video below if you have some problem.


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